4 Reasons To Change Your Office Locks

Protecting your offices is a must, as each contains both expensive equipment as well as private data that can't be lost. One of the bigger security risks at the office is old locks. The following can help you decide if it may be time to change your office locks.

1. New Office Move-in

Any time you move into a new building or office is a good time to have the locks rekeyed. There is no way to know how many keys were given out by the previous tenants nor to whom they were given, and you don't want to offer any opportunity for easy breaking and entering. If you are leasing office space, you can check with the building manager to see if locks are automatically rekeyed between tenants, but in most cases, the safest option is to simply hire a locksmith for the task yourself.

2. Master Key Systems

Many buildings feature multiple offices or entrances that aren't restricted to certain members of staff. Juggling a ring full of keys can be annoying for janitorial staff and management, as well as employees that work in different sections of the building. In this instance, a master key system may be ideal. One master key will unlock all locks that are keyed to it so that there is no need to manage multiple keys or make endless copies. 

3. Rogue Key Concerns

Although it's common to stamp "do not copy" on office keys, enforcing it is nigh-impossible. If there are any concerns that keys have been copied, then security is at risk and it is time to rekey the office. You may also have rogue keys if any are ever lost or if a former employee doesn't turn in their keys when they leave. Changing the locks is the only effective way to prevent those keys from being used to rob or vandalize your business.

4. Lock Security Upgrades

Older locks simply aren't as secure as newer models. Part of the reason is wear due to age, but the other part is that lock technology has only gotten better over the years. If your building has older locks, then it's time to change them out for newer models. You may even want to look at some of the upgraded technology, such as switching to code, key card, or phone app access. In some cases, older deadbolt systems can be paired with new entrance systems for a cost-effective partial upgrade.

Contact a commercial locksmith service for more info about changing out the locks on your business.

About Me

Locking Up My Home

About a year ago, I realized that there were some big problems with our home security. We hadn't really taken security seriously, and it showed. I realized that our place was completely vulnerable to a robbery, so I started making some changes. I contacted a great company that offered lock, key, and safe services, and we worked together to bolster the security of my place. We replaced locks, worked hard to install great safes, and even focused on adding a state-of-the-art home security system. This blog is all about locking up your home and preventing problems for the long haul.



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