Did Your Key Break Off In Your Lock? Know How To Fix It

Did you go to open a door and have your key snap off inside your lock? You may be wondering what to do about this unique situation. Here are some techniques to try before you call a locksmith.

Use A Key Extractor 

A cheap tool that you can purchase to get the key out is called a key extractor. It is a device that can best be described as two separate pieces of thin metal that are attached to individual handles. You slide each key extractor into the lock on each side of the broken key, then twist the thin pieces of metal around each other. This will help the metal form a grip on the edge of the key, which will then allow you to wiggle it out of the lock. Another way to use a key extractor is to use one of them on the top side of the key with the raised edges on it. You may be able to insert the key extractor farther and grip onto one of those rough edges of the key, which will allow you to wiggle it out of the lock eventually. This tool will not always work since you need some room on both sides of the key to fit them in there. However, it is cheap and worth trying if you have some time to fix the lock.

Use A Flathead Screwdriver

Another method that can work well if there is some room to work is a simple flathead screwdriver. This requires some extra room at the bottom of the locking cylinder, which will allow you to get the edge of a flathead screwdriver against the key and force it out of the lock. This can certainly be an easy way to get the broken key out, but once again, does not always work.

Use Needle-Nose Pliers

If there is a bit of the key sticking out of the broken lock, try using needle-nose pliers. This tool has the ability to grip onto things that are very small and thin, which makes it perfect for this situation. You could even use a combination of the needle-nose pliers and key extractor to pull the key out slightly, which could give you just enough to grip onto the key and extract it. 

Not having any luck? Reach out to a local locksmith who can get that broken key extracted for you. 

About Me

Locking Up My Home

About a year ago, I realized that there were some big problems with our home security. We hadn't really taken security seriously, and it showed. I realized that our place was completely vulnerable to a robbery, so I started making some changes. I contacted a great company that offered lock, key, and safe services, and we worked together to bolster the security of my place. We replaced locks, worked hard to install great safes, and even focused on adding a state-of-the-art home security system. This blog is all about locking up your home and preventing problems for the long haul.



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